After completing MIT’s AI course, a south Florida counselor creates a hit App bridging artificial intelligence with emotional intelligence.

Rachel Marmor heard the buzz about artificial intelligence and the potential havoc the rapidly advancing technology could have on schools, communities, even nations. As a licensed mental health counselor, Marmor has a unique vantage point when it comes to understanding the fears of her south Florida friends and neighbors. Rather than join the naysayers, Marmor decided to find the best opportunity to learn about AI and understand how she could utilize it for good.

MIT Artificial Intelligence Course

Last year, Marmor convinced her employer to invest in her participation in an MIT graduate course on AI. The world would never be the same.

Rachel Marmor teaching social and emotional literacy skills to preschoolers in 2013.

PAIRS Training

Two decades before enrolling in the MIT intensive curriculum, Marmor was a research specialist interviewing singles and couples about their experience in PAIRS courses. PAIRS is an acronym that stands for “Practical Application of Intimate Relationship Skills.” PAIRS courses are ultimately designed to strengthen marriages and families. As a researcher, Marmor wanted to know if it worked, and if the benefits were lasting.

Power of Emotional Intelligence

Within months, Marmor became a fervent advocate, went on to take the PAIRS training, and later became one of the program’s prestigious national trainers. What she saw as a result of PAIRS convinced Marmor of the power of emotional intelligence to transform people’s lives, marriages and families for the better.

Empowering Emotional Connection

Fast forward to the present day. Armed with a wealth of knowledge gained from her MIT AI certificate program, Marmor found herself pondering the implications of AI on various aspects of life, particularly in the realm of interpersonal relationships. She realized that while technology has made significant strides in connecting people globally, it has often neglected the crucial element of emotional connection.

Marmor and Eisenberg teaching PAIRS at Fort Lauderdale Islamic Center in 2009.

Bridging AI and EQ

Driven by her passion for both AI and emotional intelligence, Marmor brainstormed with PAIRS CEO Seth Eisenberg to imagine a solution. The result – a plan to create a platform that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to coach individuals in developing their emotional intelligence skills. Yodi, an AI-powered relationship coach, was born.

Yodi serves as a virtual mentor, offering personalized guidance and support to users seeking to enhance their emotional intelligence and strengthen relationships. Whether it’s navigating conflicts, improving communication, or fostering empathy, Yodi provides tailored insights and actionable advice to help users navigate the complexities of human connection.


Since its launch, Yodi has experienced exponential growth, with over 100,000 downloads spanning across 175 countries. The app’s success is a testament to the universal need for emotional intelligence education and the effectiveness of leveraging AI to deliver personalized learning experiences.

Through Yodi, Marmor and Eisenberg have not only realized their vision of bringing emotional intelligence skills to a global audience but have also paved the way for a new era of AI-powered personal development tools. As technology continues to advance, Yodi stands at the forefront, bridging the gap between innovation and emotional well-being, one relationship at a time.

By Carson Abrir

Carson Abrir's passion in military and veteran families. She began writing for in 2010.

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